Thursday, August 19, 2010

Request for healing thoughts and prayers for a new friend

I usually don't put stuff like this on my blog but this is rocking me to my core.

I have briefly mentioned a new mommy friend I made through my friend Ruthie. Her name is Megan and her little guy is Sam, 16 months. She and her husband, Dane, and Sam could use all the healing thoughts and prayer right now. Megan recently discovered some lumps on her breast and lymph nodes, in 3 weeks time she has been diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer, Stage 3-4. This is the most serious form of breast cancer you can have, only occurring in 1-5% of women, usually young women. Megan is only 33.

She is beginning treatment immediately. She is a very strong and gracious christian and a beautiful mother. Please lift her and her family up in your thoughts/prayers that they can find the strength and courage to fight this horrible disease.

And to my female friends and family, keep on checking those boobies once a month because early detection is key.


Lee said...

Oh that just breaks my heart. I can't even imagine what her and her family are goihg through right now. The Lord is strong, and it sounds like she is too... so we got a good team going to battle this! I will for sure be keeping her in my prayers!


Anne B. said...

I am so sorry to hear about this. I will be thinking of her and her family. Cancer is just evil!