After a quick drop off of the first round of gifts at our house we were off to pick up Grandma and Grandpa and headed north.
We always drive HWY 287 up to Longmont, which is one of my favorite drives. The views of the Rockies are gorgeous and there are a lot of homesteads along the way which leaves the big fields open and undeveloped.
Steve and the girls did a lovely job on the tree, Nancy would be proud.
As I have mentioned in past posts, Christmas was Nancy's favorite holiday and all of her decorations are awesome, they remind me of her which always makes Christmas bittersweet.
One of my favorite dudes, grandpa Larry! Seriously love this guy.
And of course these two are such a kick and two of my favorites. Ang found a Christmas apron Nancy made her when she was 5 so we made her sport it!
As soon as Chris, T, and the kids arrived we got right to some present opening.
The adorable Ellie. Mason adores his Ellie and she adores her Mason.
Aunt T, Lauren, and Ellie picked out this underwear for Mason. SO CUTE! We all know he is just a little obsessed with Firetrucks. I just need a cooperative 2 year old to wear them.
After a delicious Prime Rib dinner with all the fixings (Matt's Dad is quite the chef) we headed downstairs for some good ol' fashioned ping pong. Uncle Matt and nephew Luke.
The downstairs of Steve and Nancy's house is awesome! A huge rec room, bar, and the boys rooms. It reminds me a lot of my Grandparents house in California.
Ellie and Mason doing some bear wrestling, a new sport at the Gilbreath household.
Nancy made these for her little athletes and I think they are so cool. Of course the middle child Nick had to be different and go with number 4.
Another sport that happens downstairs is wine drinking, our champion:)
But seriously Angela is the champion of Pecan Pie making. Another tradition Mom Nancy always had and Ang has taken over the reins. Look at the placement of those pecans...a 10 I say.
Group photos, can you see how excited the guys are to do this?
Our newly engaged couple. YES! Nick asked Angie in early December and she agreed to marry him:) Now I love Nick just like a brother but Angie she is the "bees knees" and I can not wait to officially have her as a "sister." You probably can't tell they are wearing ribbons but they are. Angela found these in a drawer when we were setting the table, They are "Bride" and "Groom" ribbons, fitting. We are always finding stuff like that, knowing that Mom is definitely taking part in our activities.
Toots and Boots, just some nicknames I came up with for these two. Great coordination on the outfits by the way:)
Steve and the kids and some one's hand I forgot to crop out:)
Such a lovely Christmas this year. We are so blessed to have these people as family. They are fun, loving, and would lay down in traffic for you.
They are da coolest!
really you chose the picture of me and Angie where I'm purposely looking like an idiot? did I pinch your son or something last time I saw you?
I thought you looked cute! But just because I love you I changed it to a much more sophisticated picture. Too many shutterbugs made it hard to get pictures.
I am not sure if you pinched my son but if you did I hope he pinched you back:)
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