Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Fireworks and mice not really related topics or are they?

I bought the "kid" pack of fireworks...look who likes them best. Need I say more?

Mason did not care for them. Can you see the pure fear in his eyes making sure his Papa will protect him?

It so confusing that a kid who will climb and jump off pretty much anything is so afraid of fireworks but I hear an Uncle of his was the same way. This unnamed uncle is also a big strong football player type that is fearless EXCEPT when a mouse enters the house. This uncle has luckily outgrown his fear for fireworks but the mice well he is in therapy for that one!

Disclaimer: If aforementioned uncle reads this "we miss you and hope you are doing well in Leadville, mice live in leadville just to let you know" Love your crazy sister-in-law!

1 comment:

Just Results Personal Training said...

all I know is that kid is smart and has his priorities straight!